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Tower of London

In the Tower of London, there was a death chamber, King Henry VIII's armor, soldiers guarding the Crown Jewels and most of all, the ravens.

The Death Chamber

The death chamber was a little bit scary. There was this thing called "The Rack" where they put a live human, tied ropes around his hands and feet. Then, they attached ropes very securely on this bed thing and pulled this lever which them so much that the person cracks in half. It was my favorite thing.

There was this other thing that squeezed you so hard, your spine cracks and you die. It was made out of a metal and it was egg-shaped.

King Henry VIII's Armor

In the Tower of London, King Henry VIII's armor was a little bit weird. It had this big bowl-sized metal thing called a codpiece. He put it where his private parts are so he looked really cool. I think he probably looked stupid in the armor because no one has a penis that big. By the way, I think 8 is a high number for a king of queen. I think it is really high number.

Soldiers Guarding the Crown Jewels

The soldiers guarding the Crown Jewels are pretty dramatic. They have really heavy duty guns. Their suits are really scary and make them look really serious. They have these weird hats that are shaped like a gigantic furry eggs. Their movements were very deliberate. They banged the end of their guns with their hands, pointed it in the air, turned sideways and marched. They didn't look that friendly, but I think they were because there wasn't an enemy.


The ravens were traditionally believed to protect the Crown.

When we were there, I thought we were looking at crows until the Ravenmaster told me otherwise. They look different from crows because they are bigger and they are kind of hairy and make different noises. They were really pretty. Right now, they have six plus one extra.

The ravens weren't scared of people. They make a weird sound that is like a car horn honking. The Ravenmaster trims their wings so they can't fly far. This time of year the ravens can be aggressive because it is the season for them to lay eggs.

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